When we cope, we are actually dealing effectively with something-not just dealing with it, but dealing EFFECTIVELY with it.

Steve with Year 8 Class
All the C”s Collaboration, Communication, Coping, Creating, Caring

We originally put together this acronym to help students remember how to deal effectively with stresses and challenges at school. It may help you too.

C is for Check, “I can’t do this- when you check, becomes, this is difficult, what do I need to succeed? Have I done this before? Do I know someone who has? Check the evidence of the the belief.

O is for Owe yourself the opportunity for the best outcome. If I walk away I may never know if I could do it. (For example.)

P-is for Pick a Plan, Person or strategy that will help me do this thing.

E-is for the most important point. Engage with the Plan. It’s no use having great plans and strategies that you are unwilling to follow.

Next time you are in a tough situation, remember to COPE